BlueCielo Publisher 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Viewing the Publisher queue

Viewing the Publisher queue

The Publisher queue lists documents that are waiting to be published by the next scheduled publishing job. The queue holds all documents to be published regardless of how they were added to the queue, automatically or manually from any source system. You can view the queue to see what documents are waiting to be published and details about each document.

To view the Publisher queue:

  1. Open Internet Explorer and type the address http://<PublisherComputerName>/Publisher and press Type.


  1. In Meridian Enterprise PowerUser, on the Tools menu, select Open Publisher Queue.

TheBlueCielo Publisher 2012: Queue page appears and lists the documents currently in the queue.

The Status column indicates the publishing status of each document. The status is also indicated by the icons in the Action column. The possible Status values and Action icons are described in the following table.

Action icon and Status descriptions
Action Status Description


The document was canceled manually by a user.


The document was successfully published.


The document failed to publish.


The document was retired by a user.


The document is pending publishing.

To filter the queue on any column:

  1. Point to the heading of the column that you want to filter on until the down arrow appears, click the down arrow, and select a filter option. The document list refreshes to show only the documents that match the filter option that you selected and a filter icon appears next to the column heading upon which the list is sorted.

The filtering options that are available for each column depend on the existing values for that column. Columns that contain multiples of the same value can be filtered on any one of the values. Columns that contain all unique values cannot be filtered. Date/time columns offer several intervals from which to choose.

To remove a filter from a column:

  1. Point to the heading of the column from which you want to remove the filter until the down arrow appears, click the down arrow, and select Clear Filter from <ColumnName>. The document list refreshes without the filter applied.

To sort the queue on any column:

  1. Point to the heading of the column that you want to sort on until the down arrow appears, click the down arrow, and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending. The document list refreshes to show the new sort order and an arrow icon appears next to the column heading upon which the list is sorted.

Related concepts

Understanding the queue security roles

Related tasks

Canceling a document

Restarting a document

Viewing document details

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